Learn how Webdox CLM transformed contract management at Copec, improving efficiency and collaboration.


Copec reduces signing time from weeks to one day.

Automation in the generation of documents and improvement in collaboration between areas.
Successful implementation of the electronic signature in all contracts.
"What attracted us to Webdox is that it has a variety of processes and stages. It gave us the flexibility to tailor to our needs and more autonomy to carry out simpler processes quickly."
Carolina Escobar Montero - Senior Lawyer COPEC S.A.
"All contracts are signed electronically, and we have reduced the signing time from two or three weeks to a maximum of twenty-four hours."
Juan Carlos Balmaceda - Legal Deputy Manager at COPEC S.A.

Copec key results

  • Accelerating the contract management process from weeks to hours optimizes efficiency and minimizes waiting times.
  • With Webdox CLM's reports, indicators have been generated to measure management, aligning Legal Management with the company's objectives.
  • Digitalization has increased efficiency in the legal area and fostered interdepartmental collaboration, involving everyone in the process and generating a sense of belonging towards the final result.

Get a Webdox CLM demo and see how you can speed up your business results.